MSE 15th anniversary conference
Dear friends,
The MSE MSU invites you to take part in a science conference dedicated to the 15th MSE anniversary on the topic:
Where to go? Reforming institutes and political economics in Russia.
The conference will be held on the 25-29 of April 2019. The performances, round tables and discussions with leading russian and foreign scientists, state persons and independent experts are planned on the 25-26 of April.
On the 29th of April 2019 there will be a young scientists forum. Students(bachelors, masters or specialists), postgraduates researchers and employees of of russian and foreign universities and research institutes under 35 are welcome to participate.
The abstracts will be published later.
Sincerely yours, Director of MSE MSU, Academician of RAS A.D.Nekipelov.
About the conference:
- Participation free of charge.
- Working languages: Russian and English.
- Participation form: on-site.
All young scientists willing to participate bring their abstracts until 31 March 2019 to the organisation committee. The topics should be following:
- Institutional problems and prospects of regional development.
- Macroeconomics and economic growth.
- Changes in the world economy and politics.
- Strategic aspects in economic and social management.
- Instrumental methods of analysis and forecasting of socio-economic processes.
Abstracts to be sent to:
Papers submitted for participation in the conference should contain the results of independent original scientific research. Abstracts will be reviewed, the results will be reported no later than April 8.
Executive secretary of the conference: Yakovlev Artem Alexandrovich.
Address: 119234, Moscow, Leninskie gory, Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov, d.1,str. 61.
Phone: +7 (926) 962 39 17, +7 (495) 510 52 67, +7 (495) 510 52 68