Sasaev N.I.
Strategizing the Russian Gas Industry: The Far Eastern Vector. Editorial Research Supervisors: Sergey M. Darkin and Vladimir L. Kvint. New York, USA: Apple Academic Press. 2024. 138 p. – ISBN: 9781774919354
Dean Fantazzini
“Adaptive Conformal Inference for Computing Market Risk Measures: An Analysis with Four Thousand Crypto-Assets” Journal of Risk and Financial Management ( 2024, 17(6), С.248)
Yuri Kabanov, Platon Promyslov
“Ruin probabilities for a Sparre Andercen model with investments: the case of annuity payments”( «Finance and Stochastics» – 27, Pages887–902 ,2023)
Dean Fantazzini
“Detecting Pump-and-Dumps with Crypto-Assets: Dealing with Imbalanced Datasets and Insiders’ Anticipated Purchases”. Econometrics 2023, 11(3)
Dean Fantazzini
“Using Crypto-Asset Pricing Methods to Build Technical Oscillators for Short-Term Bitcoin Trading”. («Information» (2022, 13(12), 560)
Dean Fantazzini
“Crypto-Coins and Credit Risk: Modelling and Forecasting Their Probability of Death”- «Journal of Risk and Financial Management» 2022, 15(7), 304)
M. Polterovich
Bibliometric Equilibrium( 245ISSN 1019-3316, Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2022, Vol. 92, No. 3, pp. 245–253. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2022.Russian Text © The Author(s), 2022, published in Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, 2022, Vol. 92, No. 5, pp. 431–439)
Polterovich V.M.
Competition, collaboration, and life satisfaction. Part 2. The fundament of leadership – collaborative advantage. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 15(3), 42–57. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2022.3.81.2
E Eberlein, Y Kabanov, T Schmidt
Ruin probabilities for a Sparre Andersen model with investments (Stochastic Processes and their Applications 144, 72-84)
Dean Fantazzini, Rafaella Calabrese
«Crypto Exchanges and Credit Risk: Modeling and Forecasting the Probability of Closure» (J. Risk Financial Managemen» (2021, 14(11), 516)
Dean Fantazzini, Anna Kolesnikova
«Asymmetry and hysteresis in the Russian gasoline market: the rationale for green energy exports» («Energy Policy» Volume 157, October 2021, 112466)
Dean Fantazzini
Forecasting and Backtesting of Market Risks in Emerging Markets (Risk Assessment and Financial Regulation in Emerging Markets’ Banking, Springer, pp 199-223)
Vladimir L. Kvint
Konzepte der Strategie: Impulse für Führungskräfte (Uvk Verlag, 2021, ISBN 3739831057, 9783739831053, 128 P.)
Dean Fantazzini
“Discussing copulas with Sergey Aivazian: A memoir” (Journal: Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 363-370, 2020)
Belyakov A.O., Kurbatskiy A.N., Prettner K.
The growth effects of anticipated versus unanticipated population aging (Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2020, Elsevier BV, Netherlands)
Dean Fantazzini, Nikita Kolodin
“Does the Hashrate Affect the Bitcoin Price?” (Risk and Financial Management 2020, 13(11), 263
«Strategic Intellectual Property Management System for Universities and Scientific Organizations for Efficient Technology Transfer» (P.. 47-49).
Деан Фантаццини
«Short-term forcasting of the COVID-19 pandemic using Google Trends data:Evidence from 158 countries» (Applied Econometrics, Publishing House “SINERGIA PRESS”, vol. 59, pages 33-54)
Irina V. Novikovа
The Russian Far East: Strategic Development of the Workforce. Editorial Research Supervisors: Sergey M. Darkin and Vladimir L. Kvint. Burlington, Canada, Boca Raton, USA: Apple Academic Press. 2020. 155 p.
Denis V. Dunas & Sergey A. Vartanov
Emerging digital media culture in Russia: modeling the media consumption of Generation Z, Journal of Multicultural Discourses, DOI: 10.1080/17447143.2020.1751648 (2020).
Novikova I.
“Digitisation: a New Form of Precarity or New Opportunities” (in the book: “Digitisation and Precarisation: Redefining Work and Redefining Society”.- 2019 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Part of Springer Nature. Pages 89-104)
Dean Fantazzini
«Quantitative Finance with R and Cryptocurrencies» (Paperback: 586 pages Publisher: Independently published (May 20, 2019). Language: English ISBN-10: 1090685319
Dean Fantazzini
Quantitative Finance with R and Cryptocurrencies (published by Amazon KDP,- 2019,- 586 P.)
Bazhenov, D. Fantazzini
Forecasting Realized Volatility of Russian stocks using Google Trends and Implied Volatility: «Экономика в промышленности» (т. 12, № 1 2019.- С.79-88)
Victor Polterovich
«Towards a general theory of social and economic development: Evolution of coordination mechanisms» («Russian Journal of Economics» 4(4) (2018), P.346-385)
Dean Fantazzini, Erik Nigmatullin Vera Sukhanovskaya, Sergey Ivliev
«Everything you always wanted to know about bitcoin modelling but were afraid to ask. II» (публикация в журнале «Прикладная эконометрика» (том 45, с. 5- 28)
Dean Fantazzini, Erik Nigmatullin Vera Sukhanovskaya, Sergey Ivliev
«Everything you always wanted to know about bitcoin modelling but were afraid to ask. I» (публикация в журнале «Прикладная эконометрика» (том: 44, 2016, С. 5-24)
Victor Polterovich
«Positive collaboration: Factors and mechanisms of evolution» (публикация в журнале Russian Journal of Economics, Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2017, Pages 24–41)
Sergey Darkin, Vladimir Kvint
The Russian Far East: Strategic Priorities For Sustainable Development.- N-Y : Apple Academic Press, 2016 г. (англ.)
Dean Fantazzini
“The Oil Price Crash in 2014/15: Was There a (Negative) Financial Bubble?” (опубликовано в журнале «Energy Policy»: Volume 96, September 2016, Pages 383–396
Fantazzini Dean, Toktamysova Zhamal
«German car sales using Google data and multivariate models» (публикация в журнале «International Journal of Production Economics», издательство Elsevier 2015 Forecasting BV (Netherlands), том 170, с. 97-135 DOI
Vladimir Kvint
«Strategy for the Global Market: Theory and Practical Applications». (© 2015– Routledge. 520 pages | 2 Color Illus. | 87 B/W Illus.)
Dean Fantazzini, Mario Maggi
Proposed coal power plants and coal-to-liquids plants in the US: Which ones survive and why? («Energy Strategy Reviews» Volume 7, April 2015, P.9-17)
Dean Fantazzini and Michael Höök
Clean Coal Development – Energy Strategy Reviews Volume 7, Pages 1-72 (April 2015)
Alexei Kireyev, Andrei Leonidov
«Network Effects of International Shocks and Spillovers» 2015 International Monetary Fund WP/15/149
Dean Fantazzini
«Nowcasting and Forecasting the Monthly Food Stamps Data in the US using Online Search Data»
Kirtchik O. I., Boldyrev I. A.
General Equilibrium Theory Behind the Iron Curtain: The Case of Victor Polterovich // History of Political Economy. Volume 46, Number 3, Fall 2014)
Dean Fantazzini
«Forecasting the real price of oil using online search data» Int. J. Computational Economics and Econometrics, Vol. 4, Nos. 1/2, 2014
Evgeny A. Ivin, Alexey N. Kurbatskiy, Alexandr V. Slovesnov
«Time aspects of a fund manager appraisal» International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 2014 Vol.4 No.1/2, pp.96 – 111
Eduardo Rossi, Dean Fantazzini
“Long Memory and Periodicity in Intraday Volatility“ Journal of Financial Econometrics, Volume 13, Issue 4, 1 September 2015, Pages 922–961
Alexey N. Kurbatskiy
«Convex hulls of indicatrices and singularities of the transitivity zonein R3» Journal of Mathematical Sciences, December 2013, volume 195, issue 3, p. 412-426)).
Simon Larsson, Dean Fantazzini, Simon Davidsson, Sven Kullander, Mikael Höök
Reviewing Electricity Production Cost Assessments
Dean Fantazzini, M. Hook, A. Angelantoni, S. Snowden
Hydrocarbon Liquefaction: Viability as a Peak Oil Mitigation Strategy
You can download the article here and here
Mikhail Golovnin, Alexander Libman, Daria Ushkalova, Alexandra Yakusheva
«Is the USSR dead? Experience from the financial crisis of 2008-2009»
A. N. Kurbatskii
«Convex hulls of a curve in control theory» on Tuprion: Print & Electronic Journals Volume (2012) N 3, PP.406-423
Dean Fantazzini, Mikael Höök, André Angelantoni
Global Oil Risks in the Early 21st Century «Energy Policy». № 9. 2011
Mikhail Golovnin
Effect of External Shocks on CIS Economies during Crisis of 2007–2009: Global and Regional Aspects (Eurasian Development Bank, 2010, PP 154- 175)
Mikhail Golovnin
Outlook for the Joint Development of Stock Market Infrastructure in EurAsEC Countries (Eurasian Development Bank, 2009, PP 142-151)
Vladimir Kvint
Russia moves to stem crisis; stock markets closed
Vladimir Kvint
The Global Emerging Market: Strategic Management and Economics — New York, London: Routledge-Taylor & Francis, 2009 – 453 p.
Dean Fantazzini
Chapman & Hall / CRC Finance
Google Books
Dean Fantazzini
«The VAR Implementation Handbook: Financial Risk and Measurement, and Modeling» McGraw-Hill, pp. 253-282, 2009
Google Books
Dean Fantazzini
«Stock Market Volatility» Chapman & Hall/CRC Finance Series, pp. 535-556, 2009
Chapman & Hall / CRC
Google Books
Dean Fantazzini
Google Books
Vladimir Kvint
The Global Emerging Market in Transition. Second Extended Edition — New York: Fordham University Press, 2004 p. 699
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