Akopyan Anush AlbertovnaTutor
Alimuradov Murad CamilovichDeputy head of chair
Candidate of economic sciences, Associate professor
Astapov Kirill LeonidovichTutor
Lecturer (under the contract), Doctor of Economic Sciences
Bannikov Valery ArkadievichTutor
Lecturer, Candidate of physics and mathematics
Blinkova Olga IgorevnaTutor
Lecturer (under the contract), Candidate of economic sciences
Vlasyuk Lyudmila IvanovnaAssociate professor
Associate professor, Candidate of economic sciences
Volkova Maria IgorevnaTutor
Gavrilina Daria NikolaevnaTutor
Davydova Yana EugenievnaTutor
Kvint Vladimir LvovichHead of chair
Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Life-time), Dr.Sc. (Econ.), Professor of Political Economy, Honored Fellow of Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Melnikov Alexander ViktorovichVisit professor
Visit professor, Doctor in Physics and Mathematics
Musaev Rasul AbdullaevichTutor
Lecturer (under the contract), Doctor of Economic Sciences
Novikova Irina VictorovnaAssociate professor
Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences
Panchuk Daria ArkadievnaTutor
Lecturer, Candidate of physics and mathematics
Pisarenkov Alexander GrigorievichTutor
Lecturer, Candidate of economic sciences
Podgornaya Olga VictorovnaTutor
Potanina Julia MihailovnaTutor
Lecturer (under the contract), Candidate of economic sciences
Sadovnichaya Anna VictorovnaTutor
Yozef Yi UgrasVisit professor
Visit professor, Doctor of sciences in accounting (Temple University), has an MBA in Accounting and Taxation (Fairleigh Dickinson University), a BS in Accounting (Fairleigh Dickinson University)
Robert B. H. HauswaldVisit professor
Visit professor, PhD in Economics
Sasaev Nikita IgorevichSenior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer, Candidate of economic sciences
Dmitrieva Olesya ViktorovnaGraduate student
Midov Aslan ZamirovichAssistant
Kabekova Madina AssistantGraduate student
Chernyavskaya Maria YurievnaGraduate student