International Economics: modern development trends
The program is aimed at training highly qualified professionals who receive in-depth knowledge about the interaction of global, macro-regional and national economies, financial institutions and separate firms in today’s open economy and plan to work at various levels, ranging from work in government at the national and supranational levels to work in companies and banks circulating business in foreign markets, as well as those who continue their postgraduate studies in the specialty “08.00.14 – World Economy”.
Academic supervisors of the program:
M.Y. Golovnin, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Full professor, Doctor of Science in Economics.
Professor of the Department of General Economic Theory of the Moscow School of Economics of MSU, Director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Expert in the issues of financial globalization, functioning of the national economy in an open economy, monetary and financial integration, cross-border movement of capital, monetary policy. Author of more than 140 scientific publications.
Professor V.B. Kuvaldin, Full professor, Doctor of Science in History.
Head of the Department of Social and Human Sciences of Moscow School of Economics of MSU. Expert in globalistics and global affairs. Author of more than 60 scientific publications, including 4 individual monographs. In Soviet times he worked in the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in the CPSU Central Committee, and in the Office of the President of the USSR. In post-Soviet Russia he was a professor at the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and headed the analytic centers of the Gorbachev Foundation.
Features of the program:
Students are given the opportunity to fully and comprehensively understand the complex processes of today’s open economy, by obtaining deep interdisciplinary knowledge on the world economy and politics, private international law and business culture of world civilizations.
The functioning of the world economy is described in five main clusters: global finance, foreign trade, international migration, national and regional economic models, economic integration, for which, along with basic courses, special elective courses are provided.
The courses are taught by Russian leading experts in relevant research areas, as well as by foreign professors (in English).
The program envisages open lectures given by heads of leading research groups, representatives of ministries, departments and Russian companies doing business abroad.
The program focuses on the employment opportunities for students in several areas: international organizations, public authorities, transnational business, science and education.
During the training, internships are planned in ministries and departments responsible for foreign economic activity in Russian business structures and research institutes.