MSE MSU hosted a series of Round Tables in English on the topic “Insights into economics: exploring the realm of oil and gas.”
In preparation for the celebration of the 270th anniversary of Lomonosov Moscow State University from March 25 to 28, 2024 the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Moscow School of Economics held a series of Round Tables in English on the topic “Insights into economics: exploring the realm of oil and gas.” The Round Tables were held in a mixed format as part of English classes.
Bachelor’s and Master’s students participated in the Round Tables, presented their reports and discussed topical issues related to the topic of the event, from the point of view of scientific approaches offered by social and humanitarian disciplines.
The following topics were discussed at the Round Tables:
- Analysing and forecasting risks in the oil industry/ Анализ и прогнозирование рисков в нефтяной отрасли
- Risk assessment and management in the oil industry/ Оценка и управление рисками в нефтяной индустрии
- Developing oil fields: a study of environmental protection/ Охрана окружающей среды при разработке нефтяных месторождений
- Analysing and forecasting development trends: a case study of the oil products market/ Анализ и прогнозирование тенденций развития рынка нефтепродуктов
- Implementing computer technologies in the oil and gas industry/ Применение компьютерных технологий в нефтегазовой промышленности
- Applying intelligent systems in the oil industry/ Использование интеллектуальных систем в нефтяной индустрии
- Analysing and forecasting of oil prices/ Анализ и прогнозирование цен на нефть
- Innovative methods of oil drilling/ Инновационные методы бурения скважин
- Analysing and forecasting changes in the global oil industry/ Анализ и прогнозирование изменений в мировой нефтяной индустрии
- Applying the best technologies available in the oil industry: a case study of training oil fields/ Применение наилучших доступных технологий при устройстве учебных месторождений
- World oil reserves and their classifications/ Мировые запасы нефти и их классификация
- Assessing and forecasting oil and gas reserves in fields/ Оценка и прогнозирование запасов нефти и газа в месторождениях
- Using alternative energy sources in the oil industry/ Использование альтернативных источников энергии в нефтяной промышленности
- Analysing problems and development prospects of the offshore oil and gas industry/ Анализ проблем и перспектив развития морской нефтегазовой промышленности