The Lomonosov Moscow State University is considering a vaccination possibility for free for the foreign students who are staying in Moscow
The Lomonosov Moscow State University is considering a vaccination possibility for free for the foreign students who are staying in Moscow.
Please write a short note to Anush Hakobya (
The vaccine (Sputnik V) will be ordered specially for you and there will be a schedule for those who are willing to vaccinate.
Vaccination is done in two stages and there should be a minimum 21 days between the first and the second stage of the vaccination. That’s why we advise registering those who plan to stay in Moscow till 15 of July as a minimum.
Those who had a COVID-19 during the last 6 month and who has antibodyies above the referencing do not need vaccination.
Those who have contraindications should not apply for vaccination.
The contraindications for vaccination are:
- hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine or vaccine, containing similar components;
- a history of severe allergic reactions;
- acute infectious and non-infectious diseases;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases (vaccination is carried out after 2-4 weeks after recovery or remission);
- pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
- the presence of autoimmune diseases;
- malignant neoplasms;
- age up to 18 years.