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Поздравляем визит-профессора МШЭ МГУ Джеймса Гэлбрейта с присуждением ему премии Института Тафта

Визит-профессор МШЭ МГУ Джеймс Гэлбрейт  (Dr. James K. Galbraith,University of Texas at Austin) вместе со своим коллегой из Университета   Принстона – профессором Ангусом  Детоном  (Angus Deaton is the Dwight D. Eisenhower Professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University) награждены премией института Тафта за научные исследования по проблемам неравенства.

Мы искренне поздравляем профессора Джеймса Гэлбрейта с этой высокой наградой и желаем ему новых научных достижений и всего самого доброго!


Tufts Institute to award annual economics prize to Angus Deaton  James K. Galbraith for work on poverty, inequality, and well-being  GDAE will award its 2014 Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought to Angus Deaton and James K. Galbraith. This year’s  award, titled “Inequality and Well-Being in an Age of Instability,” recognizes the contributions that these researchers have made to the studies of poverty, inequality, and well-being. They have both played  a critical role in bringing grounded empirical analysis to bear on  topics in need of applied interdisciplinary research.

“For too long many economists have viewed rising inequality as an  inevitable consequence of economic development,” says GDAE Co-director  Neva Goodwin. “But recent economic upheavals call for a new approach  to understanding the causes and consequences of inequality. Angus  Deaton has demonstrated that inequality is about much more than income  differences, focusing on how inequality affects the health and  well-being of societies. James Galbraith has shown that inequality isn’t an outcome driven by factors outside of our control, but instead  is often a direct result of the policy choices we make.”

The ceremony and lectures by the awardees will take place in the
spring of 2014 at Tufts University; further details will be forthcoming.

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2014 Awardees
Dr. Angus Deaton is the Dwight D. Eisenhower Professor of Economics
and International Affairs at Princeton University. Dr. Deaton’s  research areas include health, economic development, and the analysis  of household behavior, especially at the microeconomic level. His current research focuses on the determinants of health in rich and  poor countries, as well as on the measurement of poverty in India and around the world. His book, “The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the  Origins of Inequality
is scheduled for publication in late 2013.
Read more about his work.
Dr. James K. Galbraith holds the Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations and a professorship of Government at the  University of Texas at Austin. His research focuses on the measurement  and understanding of inequality in the world economy. He is the author  of several hundred journal articles and six books, including  “Inequality and Industrial Policy: A Global View” and “Created
Unequal: The Crisis in American Pay.” His most recent book is “Inequality and Instability: A Study of the World Economy Just Before  the Great Crisis

(Oxford University Press, 2012).
Read more about his work.

About the Leontief Prize

GDAE inaugurated its economics award in 2000 in memory of Nobel Prize-  winning economist and GDAE advisory board member Wassily Leontief. The  Leontief Prize recognizes economists whose work, like that of the  institute and Leontief himself, combines theoretical and empirical  research to promote a more comprehensive understanding of social and  environmental processes.

The inaugural prizes were awarded in 2000 to John Kenneth Galbraith
and Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen. Since then, GDAE has awarded the
Leontief Prize to Paul Streeten, Herman Daly, Alice Amsden, Dani
Rodrik, Nancy Folbre, Robert Frank, Richard Nelson, Ha-Joon Chang,
Samuel Bowles, Juliet Schor, Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Stephen DeCanio,
José Antonio Ocampo, Robert Wade, Bina Agarwal, Daniel Kahneman,
Nicholas Stern, Martin Weitzman, C. Peter Timmer, Michael Lipton,
Albert O. Hirschman (posthumous), and Frances Stewart.

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