On 1 July, a solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas to the graduates of bachelor’s and master’s degrees of the Moscow School of Economics of Moscow State University 2024 was held
On 1 July, a solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas to the graduates of bachelor’s and master’s degrees of the Moscow School of Economics of Moscow State University 2024 was held.
The ceremony was traditionally opened by Academician A.D. Nekipelov, Director of the Moscow School of Economics of Moscow State University. Aleхander Dmitrievich warmly congratulated the graduates and wished them success in their new, adult lives.
On behalf of the Board of Regents, graduates of the Moscow School of Economics of Moscow State University were warmly congratulated in the format of a video message
Nikolai Petrovich Tokarev (Chairman of the Board of Regents of the Moscow School of Economics of Moscow State University, Chairman of the Board of Directors. President of Transneft company).
This year, out of sixty graduates of the bachelor’s degree, eight persons received diplomas with honors:
- Demidova Irina Mikhailovna
- Magaramov Rauf Fazilovich
- Musaev Neymat Hamlet oglu
- Nagorny Pavel Igorevich
- Ryabchaya Kristina Dmitrievna
- Tsipinova Alin Arsenovna
- Tsipinova Elina Arsenovna
- Shchukin Mikhail Artemovich
In 2024, forty-five persons graduated from the Russian-speaking master’s degree, six of them received diplomas with honours
- Karaziev Ramazan Magometovich
- Nasunov Badma Sanalovich
- Omarov Ali Sindbadovich
- Popova Tatiana Andreyevna
- Pochivalov Artur Olegovich
- Tarkhova Anna Evgenievna
This year forty-three persons graduated from the English-speaking master’s degree.
At the ceremony, the following were honoured with certificates of commendation in the nomination “For Outstanding Academic Achievement”: Bachelor’s degree graduate
- Magaramov Rauf Falilovich
and graduates of the master’s programme:
- Tarkhova Anna Evgenievna (“Economics and Mathematical Methods”)
- Pochivalov Artur Olegovich (“Economic and Financial Strategy”)
- Karaziev Ramazan Magometovich (“Economic and Financial Strategy”)
In the nomination “For outstanding achievements in social activities for the benefit of the faculty” commendation certificates were awarded to a bachelor’s degree graduate
- Nagorny Pavel Igorevich,
as well as graduates of the master’s programme:
- Varamishvili Levan Georgievich (“Economics and Mathematical Methods”).
- Dudovtsev Evgeny Viktorovich (“Economic and Financial Strategy”)
A diploma for outstanding achievements in research activities was awarded to a bachelor’s degree graduate:
Nagorny Pavel Igorevich
Two bachelor’s degree graduates of the Moscow School of Economics, Moscow State University:
- Nagorny Pavel
- Nikita Kondratyev
for participation in the scientific project and publication of the book: “USSR-100: Reconstruction of the Anniversary” were awarded the NATIONAL PRIZE: “The Best Books, Publishers, Projects -2023”.
Traditionally, a silver badge was awarded to the best undergraduate graduate in terms of academic performance over the entire period of study. This year the badge was awarded to:
- Nagorny Pavel Igorevich
Three gold badges were also awarded to graduates of the Russian-language master’s programme who were recognised as the best in terms of academic performance over the entire period of study. This year the gold badges were awarded to:
- Omarov Ali Sindbadovich (“Economic and Financial Strategy”)
- Nasunov Badma Sanalovich (“Economics and Mathematical Methods”)
- Popova Tatiana Andreyevna (“World Economy: Modern Trends of Development”)
The graduates of 2024 were warmly congratulated by their teachers and mentors:
- deputy director Moscow School of Economics Moscow State University academician V.M. Polterovich
- Professor of the Moscow School of Economics Moscow State University, Director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences M.Yu.Golovnin
- Senior lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Candidate of Historical Sciences E.I. Shcherbakova
- Holder of chair ad interim of the Department of Economic and Financial Strategy of the Moscow School of Economics of the Moscow State University, Ph.D. in Economics, senior lecturer M.K. Alimuradov.
- Senior teacher of the Department of Econometrics and Mathematical Methods of Economics A.A.Mironenkov
- Senior teacher of the Department of General Economic theory D.S. Kukushkin, (master’s degree graduate of of the Moscow School of Economics of the Moscow State University 2011).
On 27 June, a solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas with honours to bachelor’s and master’s degree graduates of the Moscow School of Economics of Moscow State University took place in the Academic Council Hall. The diplomas were presented by Academician A.D. Nekipelov, Director of the Moscow School of Economics of Moscow State University. On the same day the best graduates of Moscow State University were congratulated by the Rector of Moscow State University Academician V.A.Sadovnichy at the university-wide meeting “Graduate 2024” (see the news on our website dated 27 June 2024).
Farewell, our dear bachelors and masters of 2024! From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on receiving diplomas of the main higher education institution of our country – Moscow University and on the beginning of your adult life! We are always happy to see you in the walls of the Moscow School of Economics of Moscow State University!