Master–class with Lorenzo Menaldo, Chief Financial Director of the MAN Truck and Bus SE office in Russia
01.11.2019 19:00
International Masters programs of the MSE MSU cordially invites you to attend Master–class delivered by Lorenzo Menaldo, Chief Financial Director of the MAN Truck and Bus SE office in Russia at 19.00 on 1st of November 2019, room 113.
Meeting agenda:
- Lorenzo will present «Sales Planning & Steering Model In Highly Competitive And Volatile Environment»
- Q&A session
Where: Leninskiye gory 1 building 61 room 113, Moscow School of Economics
When: at 19.00, on 1st of November 2019
For all additional questions please apply to the International Masters’ programs Director, Anush A. Hakobyan, tel +7 9999 25 11 37, e-mail: akopyan-aa@mse-msu.ru
Lorenzo Menaldo was born in Brescia, Italy, on May 18th, 1980.
In 2004 he completed his studies in Bocconi University of Milan with a degree in business economics. In order to study different business models and benchmarks, Lorenzo Menaldo began his career as a junior auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Milan.
In 2006 he proceeded with MBA general management program in Copenhagen Business School focusing on leadership discovery process.
After the graduation, in 2008, he has continued his professional career as a finance controller in Maschio Gaspardo, an Italian based multinational company producing specialized machineries and equipment for agriculture, where he was leading the operations for Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Romania and Turkey.
In 2009 he was relocated as an expatriate general manager to Kiev in order to set up a sales team, and to develop sales service, a warehouse with assembling operations and import logistic which allowed to develop dealer network.
In 2016 Lorenzo Menaldo became responsible also for the market in Russia.
Since September, 2017 Lorenzo Menaldo is working as a Chief Finance Director of MAN Truck and Bus SE office in Russia.
Among his personal interests are history and skiing. Lorenzo Menaldo is fluent in Italian, English, and French and currently improving his knowledge of Russian.