A meeting of the UN economics section on January 30 at MSE MSU “What macroeconomic policy does Russia need?”

A meeting of the UN economics section has taken place on January 30 at MSE MSU. The meeting was headed by the deputy Academician secretary of the RAS Department of Social Sciences, Academician V.V. Ivanter.

Meeting agenda – “What macroeconomic policy does Russia need?”

The main report was delivered by the MSE MSU director, Academician A.D. Nekipelov.


  • Professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, PhD in Economics M.V. Ershov,
  • head of the laboratory of macro-financial research and forecasting of the Institute of economic forecasting, PhD in Economics A.K. Moiseyev.

Further participants:

  • S.V. Kalashnikov – First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on economic policy, PhD in Economics, Professor
  • Academician V.M. Polterovich – Deputy Director of MSE MSU, head of the Mathematic economy laboratory of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of RAS
  • R.S. Grinberg – Scientific Supervisor of the RAS Institute of Economics, tutor at the Chair of General Economics Theory at MSE MSU, correspondent member of RAS
  • A.A. Shirov – Deputy director of the Institute of economic forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INP RAS), head of laboratory, PhD in Economics, Professor.
  • D.E. Sorokin – Scientific supervisor of the Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation, correspondet memeber of RAS
  • V.A. Krukov – Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, correspondent member of RAS
  • V.V. Ivanter – Scientific supervisor of the Institute of national economic forecasting of RAS, Deputy Academician-Secretary of the UN RAS, head of the economic Section, Academician
  • V.L. Makarov – Scientific supervisor of the Central Economics and mathematics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, director of the Higher school of public administration of Lomonosov state university, Academician

Members of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, heads of RAS economic scientific institutions from Moscow as well as various regions of the Russian Federation, representatives of the business community, leading researchers and experts in economics and young scientists from the Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation and MSE MSU, as well as media representatives also took part in the meeting.

All participants found the meeting extraordinary interesting and useful not only for RAS scientists, but also for young economists, graduate students, everybody who are interested in the problems of the Russian’s economy current state and development prospects, looking for and finding the optimal macroeconomic policy for our country.

For details see:

Abstracts of Academician A.D. Nekipelov

A.D. Nekipelov presentation

A.D. Nekipelov report charts


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